
10:00-10:20 Welcome & Introduction
10:20-12:00 Session I: Roadmap of the SBHP | 13:00-14:00 Session II: Patient's voice
14:00-15:15 Session III: National Roundtable | 15:45-16:45 Session IV: International Roundtable
16:45-17:45 Session V: Societal transitions

09:00-10:00 Welcome Coffee & Registration
10:00-10:20 Welcome & Introduction
  - Claudio Bassetti, Bern, Chair, Swiss Brain Health Plan - SBHP
- Petra Baeriswyl, Bern - Prevention and Healthcare - Federal Office of Public Health
- Pierre Alain Schnegg, Bern - Government Councillor, Director of Health, Social Affairs and Integration
10:20-12:00 Session I: Roadmap of the Swiss Brain Health Plan (SBHP)
Moderation: Luca Remonda, Aarau | Giovanni Frisoni, Geneva
10:20-10:45 Overall update of the 5 pillars
Claudio Bassetti, Bern
10:45-11:00 Research
Indrit Bègue, Geneva
11:00-11:15 Awareness
Raphael Guzman, Basel
11:15-11:30 Brain Health & School
Alexandre Datta, Basel; Tobias Iff, Zurich
11:30-11:45 Empowering patients
Martin Rosenfeld, Zurich
11:45-12:00 Prevention: example of Migraine friendly workspace
Susanne Wegener, Zurich
12:00-13:00 Lunch / Networking
13:00-14:00 Session II: Patient's voice
Moderation: Martin Rosenfeld, Zurich | Alice Accorroni, Geneva
13:00-13:30 Never give up
Daniel Albrecht, Fiesch (Ex-Ski racer)
13:30-14:00 Lived Experience and the importance of having patient input in research
Patient-researcher in psychiatry
14:00-15:15 Session III: National Roundtable
(under the auspices of the FC and National Health Minister) 
Moderation: Thomas Zeltner, Bern | TBC
  - Conference of the cantonal ministers of health (GDK)
  Kathrin Huber, Bern
- Swiss Health Promotion (Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz)
  Thomas Mattig, Bern
- Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+)
  Antoine Flahault, Geneva
- Federal Office for Public Health - FOPH (BAG)
  Petra Baeriswyl, Bern
- National Council Switzerland (Nationalrätin)
  Christine Bulliard-Marbach, Freiburg
15:15-15:45 Coffee Break / Networking
15:45-16:45 Session IV: International Roundtable
Moderation: Kristina Adorjan, Bern / Claudio Bassetti, Bern
  Claudio Bassetti              - Switzerland
Thomas Mokrusch          - Germany
Silja Nicoline Angellsen  - Norway
Alfred K. Njamnshi           - Cameroun
Christopher Chen             - Singapore
Riaz Khan                          - United Arab Emirates
16:45-17:45 Session V: Societal transitions
Moderation: Urs Fischer, Bern; Luca Crivelli, Lugano
16:45-17:00 Climate
Nicolas Senn, Lausanne (TBC)
17:00-17:15 Brain capital
Rym Ayadi, Barcelona, ES
17:15-17:30 Digital
Speaker TBC
17:30-17:45 Theology
Speaker TBC
17:45-18:30 Farewell Apéro

as per 25.09.2024 (will be updated regularly)